
Internet Juridique International

Internet Juridique International
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Top : International : Droits de l'Homme


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 * * Encyclopédie Universelle des Droits de l'Homme
 [ Présidée par Robert Badinter, l'Encyclopédie Universelle des Droits de l'Homme, association française, vise à rassembler l'ensemble de textes juridiques touchant aux Droits de l'Homme dans le monde. - Français - anglais - Espagnol ]

 * * Law Library UU Bookmarks: Human rights

 * DIANA Human rights
 [ DIANA is an on-line resource inspired by the life and work of Professor Diana Vincent-Daviss, the late Deputy Director of the Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights and librarian of Yale Law School. Professor Vincent-Daviss was a comprehensive bibliographer of literature on human rights. This service is named DIANA in her honor. The aim of DIANA is to create an electronic library of human rights materials, from treaties, secondary sources, court decisions, legal briefs, and current information from international nongovernmental human rights organizations. The participating sites include University of Minnesota Human Rights Library (, Yale University Law School (, and University of Cincinnati College of Law ( ]

 * Human Rights Web
 [ The first WWW site on human rights, and the place to start if you want to know more about them. ]

 * Max Planck Institute
 [ Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law Heidelberg : Provides access to a systematic set of links, the Institute's OPAC which includes references to books, periodicals, and articles in the Institute's collection (since the end of 1996), and an articles database in the areas of public international law, comparative law and municipal law. ]

 * Minnesota Human Rights Library
 [ "Another premier human rights site, the Human Rights Library has been a pioneer in human rights on the Internet. Its focus is on international materials and contains treaties, declarations, resolutions, opinions and decisions from international tribunals and treaty bodies. The Human Rights Library contain decisions from UN human rights bodies in individual cases that are not available at the UNHCHR site, and the decisions from the Inter-American Court of human rights that are not yet available elsewhere. The site is also a great resource for reference materials on human rights in Africa, human rights in the US, asylum issues, humanitarian law, peace issues, and human rights education. There is an excellent list of links to other sites." Comment by Margarita Lacabe - Executive Director of Derechos Human Rights - Français / Anglais / Espagnol / Russe ]

 * SOSIG - International Human Rights Law


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